Personal Data is any information relating to the data subject, any natural person to whom the data refer

and whose identity is known or can be verified. Such data include, for example, the name, address,

date of birth and gender of the member, mobile phone number, e-mail address and usage data, such as,

for example, member name, password and IP address. (Law 2742/1997, Law 3471/2006, as applicable

and the relevant provisions.)


During your visit to our Website and E-Shop and in order to register as a member of

AQUAKATE.COM and open an Account in order to purchase products from it, subscribe to the

AQUAKATE Newsletter Service.COM, to ensure that we can contact you in order to inform you about

your orders and new products, or to exercise your rights according to the law and the General Terms of

Use, you may be asked to provide information about yourself (such as name, surname, occupation, e-

mail address, shipping address, date of birth, date of birth, address book, telephone number, credit card

details, etc.).

For your browsing in our online store you are not asked by AQUAKATE.COM any personal data. We

collect the following information from you, which you voluntarily provide to us for the purpose of

registering as a member of AQUAKATE.COM and creating an Account:

First name, last name, postal address, gender, date of birth, telephone number, email address and


In case we issue an invoice, we need the name of the company, its VAT number and address of its


Also, for your subscription to our Company's Newsletter service in order to send you newsletters

about our Company AQUAKATE.COM and its products/services, any offers etc., we ask you to

provide us with your email address.

In addition, in order to send you short SMS text messages with newsletters about the Company and its

products/services, we ask you to provide us with your mobile phone number.


The personal data that you provide anywhere on the pages and services of the AQUAKATE.COM

website are intended solely for purposes relating to the

your transactions with us, communication with you, improving the services provided and ensuring the

operation of the respective service for which you provide them as well as for statistical purposes and

improving the services - information provided and may not be used by any third party (except where

provided by law to the competent authorities only), without complying with the provisions of Law

2472/97 on the protection of personal data processing, as it applies each time.

AQUAKATE.COM operates in accordance with the current Greek and EU legislation and keeps your

personal data safely for as long as you are registered to any service of AQUAKATE.COM which are

deleted after the termination of the transactional relationship in any way. In particular the member data

(Member Account data) are kept on the servers of our online store AQUAKATE.COM for a period of

one (1) year.

In short, we only ask for as much information as we need in order for you to enjoy a unique shopping

experience: consistent delivery of the products you order, secure payment of your order and

personalized service based on your needs and preferences.


You have, within the framework of the legislation on the privacy of telecommunications and

protection of your personal data, the rights of information and objection provided for in Articles 11 to

13 of Law No. 2472/1997.

In any case, you have the right to access and object (including rectification) to any personal data held

about you that is processed by us in accordance with this Policy. To this end, any request should be

addressed in writing to AQUAKATE.COM at [email protected], or +0030 6987063025.

For any questions or suggestions or statements related to these issues please contact us using the

special contact form provided at the following link www.aquakate.com.

At any time the user reserves the right to inform or object to the further processing of his/her data in

accordance with the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data.

5. Cookies Policy

This website uses cookies. By continuing to browse this website you agree to their use.

What are cookies

Cookies are small text files that are installed on your computer or electronic device through your

browser when you visit our website. Cookies help us to collect information necessary to measure the

effectiveness of our website, improve and update the content of our website, and improve the quality

of our website.

adapting it to the demand and needs of users and to measure the effectiveness of the presentation and

promotion of our website on third-party websites. No cookie file used on our website collects

information that personally identifies you and does not take note of any document or file from your


The information that cookies collect may include the type of browser you are using, the type of

computer, its operating system, internet service providers and other such information. In addition, the

Website's information system automatically collects information about the sites you visit and about

links to third-party websites that you may select through our Website.

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